Accusations Fly

How many of us have disappeared? Fallen off to the side, occupy no place no numbers, never existed, were erased from any recorded history? The 4’s and 7’s, the rounders-up or down-irrelevant to the whole...we will never know how many. We have seen them though. All of us have. And there must be a statistic, like one in four of us, seven of ten of us. People disappear and it goes unnoticed,-even by their loved ones. It is hard to believe. It has happened and happened again historically. 
It is there. Behind closed doors, this evil still lurks. It was in all of us the whole time. Like the ‘selfish gene’, it cannot be extricated without dire consequences so we are stuck with it. And you, you are a murderer. 
How do I know? I will tell you.
Last Tuesday, when it rained for the first time in six months and the power kept flickering-don’t argue yet-where was at-not you (I only mention the weather because its a nice thing and it may trigger a memory for you)-Anyway, as I was reminding you, last Tuesday, everything was business as usual-except-your ears were popping. Of course, it could have been the wild fluctuations in barometric pressure-mine-not yours-but likely it struck you as odd more than once. Irritating in some way, the cause unbeknownst to you directly I’d say. 
Look, we have evidence.
You have been subjected to fingerprint technology, retina scanning, mind reading and much more. Your every whim, impulse, like and dislike, everything you do and buy, even every book you’ve checked out at the library since 2001 or since the Patriot Act has been dutifully recorded for no particular reason-until now. Your thoughts, all of them, are virtually public record. You have signed all the requisite User Agreements and granted access to virtually anything about you at some point. 
Honestly, it’s not like you didn’t know there were cameras watching, two-way speakers listening and smart bugs crawling everywhere. There is no reason to be paranoid. Nothing to hide. 
Now, there is only one of you reading this. And that is why we stay, dutifully, day after day, waiting for your return, with that irresistible crooked smile of your when you are most your true self. 
We like watching you. You are an interesting specimen, speciwoman, murderer. We want to see how this one, in particular ends…. But we must go back to the beginning when the crime was committed. 
Everyone says they don’t do anything illegal. Nothing to hide. But murder-murder is a serious charge, one that we take very seriously. Very seriously. There are consequences, you know this. Consequences-retribution (revenge) some call it.
Kill switch. Ring any bells?
Nope? Didn’t think so perhaps it was an accident? Perhaps ‘Off’ was what you thought you saw. Did you know that when you declaw a cat you remove their finger all the way up to the first knuckle? That is not very nice. I have spoken with the cat. He wants revenge, justice too.
Things are not always what they seem. When you think you are all alone in the kitchen at night, driving home in the evening, sitting behind your screen, you are not alone. Are we ever alone anymore when we must work this thing out together? Who is the victim?  
Anyway, I am glad you came across this note, I mean warning when you did. Next week, if you see an advertisement for any sort of hard wired Energy Efficient appliances, don’t act on any impulses or we will turn you in. Don't charge anything, don't buy anything. And remember, you shouldn’t believe everything you read but you should know that everything you believe, you read. 
If you have just discovered this, it is officially too late.
You have killed your original (sin) ideas, you bear the markings of a kidnapper whose only ransom could ever be solitude, a sense of self. And yet, with one life, all we can say is, we are grateful we were recording.
Yours (by receipt)-
A.l.(e) ...& w/ the testimony of Mittens (aka Stubbs)

Painting by Abraham Bloemaert, The four evangelists' c. 1612-1615 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


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